Thursday, July 28, 2011

I can stock the freezer.

Having a deep freeze has changed my shopping, my budget, my cooking, my LIFE.

My husband came home from a garage sale one day so proud of himself you'd have thought he shot a deer from which we could subsist for the rest of the year.  That romantic man of mine bought me a deep freezer.  For merely $40, I have freedom.  Freedom to buy as much of what's on sale as I please.  Freedom to stock up on the ingredients for our favorite meals.  Freedom to have convenience foods on hand for those nights when I just can't muster up the energy to really cook but don't have the energy (or money) to go out to eat either.   Freedom from having to stop at the grocery store every couple of days to get just one or two things. 

Before we had this freezer, we jammed frozen produce, meat, and the very occasional pizza in various arrangements in our refrigerator/freezer on a semi-weekly basis it seemed.  It inevitably ended in failure.  I would open it, and food would fly out like projectile missiles on a mission to kill.  One of my favorite things about our Sam's Club membership is that we can stock up on things (like frozen blueberries and strawberries for smoothies, snacks, desserts, cereal, or oatmeal) and not run out for quite a while.  But that does you no good without the luxury of the space to store those items.  And when I was breastfeeding, forget it.  That thing was stocked with those little bags of b-milk, and space for the liquid gold took precedence over anything else that could enter the precious, chilly real estate. 

Now, things are different.  I won't have to call Alex to check if we have room in the freezer for the 4 pounds of ground chicken that are on sale for $1.29/lb (what a steal!).  I won't be dodging flying frozen loaves of bread from the Oops We Baked Too Much section at the Kroger.  I can calmly open my freezer door and know that it will not result in death or injury to any nearby toddler, adult, or dog toes.  I have fewer random craving trips to the fast food chains to get a burger or ice cream, since I can keep MorningStar Farms Spicy Black Bean Veggie Burgers and generic frozen dairy treats (in more appropriate serving sizes than in the restaurants) on hand.  Hey, maybe this freezer will help me lose the baby weight faster this time around!  It hasn't solved all of my problems...  I mean, it isn't Jesus or anything....  but it sure is nice to have. 

July is a month to celebrate our freedoms.  This year, I celebrate with my freezer.  If you are a Mom and you don't have one, but you have the space for one, start cruising the garage sale ads for one.  You will be so very glad you did.


  1. I love this. You remind me of the things that I did when my kids were little and still do a lot of it today. :-)
    Awesome background picture.

  2. Dont you love it!?! My husband DOES shoot deer and then processes them in our pasture for me to put up in the freezer. Of course, one deer doesn't last a whole year, but it does get us through several months!
